La Decima Vittima (A Film)
This translates from Italian into the British name the (The 10th Victim) This was a very strange film to say the least and it was hard to tell what was going on in certain points just seamed like a lot of random killing and club fights in places and funny in some places but i feel as though it was meant to be a dramatic moment in the film but just left me laughing because the fight scenes where stupidly funny when everyone left the room after the film we where just like what was that film all about also a bit boring in places. Hot Ladies and Guns and Just a killing hunt fest with different parts in-between of random conversations and situations. Did not understand the point of the film was it to say killing is a game everyone is playing the killed games did not see board games in the film and no video games in the film? Some technology in the film.
So overall not sure what to think and how this links in with the other blog tasks but yer IGN 10/10 but me 6/10 overall review of the film. Gave me some ideas for future game development but that's about it.
(Recent Edit)
After looking into the film a bit more and thinking about the topics we have covered i can now see this links into Pervasive Games like ninja or assassin games where you have a target like in the film.
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