Overall Notes and Plans
Being in the workshop was fantastic and a great opportunity to develop my skills when creating games. The day was great ideas where flying about the room. The games which we where coming up with was taking shape and we had some great movement mechanics ideas for future game development as well as our game on the day. Which then leads me onto....
David Parlett (Legend of Games)
That is right hold the phone the man himself David Parlett was there giving us his inside gaming knowledge. This was almost to must to be hold and i was very existed to say hello. He loved talking about racing games and loved showing us racing games overall and the way they work. He also had other things to say about board games and different ways you could create great games if you put in the time and effort and i was 100% writing notes on his magical wisdom looking around no one else was writing notes missed opportunity if you ask me but i was loving it getting down all these notes for future development and i know deep down i my heart that these prize notes will help me in the long run and gave me a number of ideas for future games and settings within games.
You can learn a lot from visit days when someone comes in, so it is always worth going in.
Found an image which looks like last years or even 2 years ago of the David Parlett visit interesting.

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