New games journalism/Old game journalism
This blog is to show that i understand what New game journalism and Old game journalism is but also mainly finding out which one is better and explain my decision overall. As someone who has done Media and going back in time to the media subject when i was asked by Eddie "Has anyone done Media" or this my have been Rob cant remember and did not say anything because i did not hear the question properly had to ask someone what did Rob or Eddie say i was to late and people had moved on but anyway i have so should be ok with this one.
New Game Journalism
This is the newest Journalism applied to games. Which is a form of writing and organisation. This form is normally a artistic style of writing. This is then open about authors and contributors. Which is unlike old Journalism using strict set ways to contribute that journalism. Media is therefor effected by having new factors around Journalism meanwhile media will then have to adapt to keeping up with these new changes in whatever field. If its Journalism then mass changes will then effect the media if there is suddenly popularity thought out Journalism. The Digital Age has been the biggest thing ever to change the media which has also changed Journalism from old to new as a new age of technology and computer with certificated capabilities as made Journalism you could say easier in some areas.
With the new form of Journalism thanks to technology and changing events in the world so came the fancy new names/classifications for Journalism.
“participatory journalism”, “grassroots journalism”, “citizen journalism” or “crowd-sourced journalism”.
Old Game Journalism
The classic days of the print press and journalism in its basic form. Good old pen and paper and the type writer also the black and white inc printing rooms. Whenever i think about old Journalism i think of the classic Sherlock homes Coat and Gangster Shirt and Tie with the classic 1930 hat and there just has to be a cigar. No just me. ok. Anyway going to post a image of this so you know what i am thinking when it comes to stereotyping the old Journalists. Anyway basically cant think why some people like old Journalism sound like a lot of work as new Journalism is a bit easier. Overall you could say writing about games in the past would have been a lot easier but as for technology and computer writing that's just not possible yet. Games in the past would have been more board games and digital games where no as populate only the rich corporate bastards would have these expensive digital early consoles to play game on and we are talking very rich. Until digital technology has developed more prices will then start to drop. So the most documented games for journalism would have been board games the next big game like monopoly. As we are talking about the same time TVs are just being developed.
There he is old Jack working his ass off for the next big story for the daily bugle.
Around this new game called clue.

New Game Journalism
This is the newest Journalism applied to games. Which is a form of writing and organisation. This form is normally a artistic style of writing. This is then open about authors and contributors. Which is unlike old Journalism using strict set ways to contribute that journalism. Media is therefor effected by having new factors around Journalism meanwhile media will then have to adapt to keeping up with these new changes in whatever field. If its Journalism then mass changes will then effect the media if there is suddenly popularity thought out Journalism. The Digital Age has been the biggest thing ever to change the media which has also changed Journalism from old to new as a new age of technology and computer with certificated capabilities as made Journalism you could say easier in some areas.
With the new form of Journalism thanks to technology and changing events in the world so came the fancy new names/classifications for Journalism.
“participatory journalism”, “grassroots journalism”, “citizen journalism” or “crowd-sourced journalism”.
Old Game Journalism
The classic days of the print press and journalism in its basic form. Good old pen and paper and the type writer also the black and white inc printing rooms. Whenever i think about old Journalism i think of the classic Sherlock homes Coat and Gangster Shirt and Tie with the classic 1930 hat and there just has to be a cigar. No just me. ok. Anyway going to post a image of this so you know what i am thinking when it comes to stereotyping the old Journalists. Anyway basically cant think why some people like old Journalism sound like a lot of work as new Journalism is a bit easier. Overall you could say writing about games in the past would have been a lot easier but as for technology and computer writing that's just not possible yet. Games in the past would have been more board games and digital games where no as populate only the rich corporate bastards would have these expensive digital early consoles to play game on and we are talking very rich. Until digital technology has developed more prices will then start to drop. So the most documented games for journalism would have been board games the next big game like monopoly. As we are talking about the same time TVs are just being developed.
There he is old Jack working his ass off for the next big story for the daily bugle.
Around this new game called clue.
Overall i would have to say i like the factors about new Journalism to much even though it was fun searching up about the old ways of writing about games.
We didn't cover New Games Journalism as the curriculum was rearranged at the end of the first semester but if we had, it would have involved some discussion of some of the material mentioned here: