Games Britannia "Dicing with Destiny" (1/3)

The Main Interesting even in this first episode of the Games Britannia was the event where they first started to understand how games could be used for early war strategies. Even though this could be a bit far fetched like Eddie was saying when we where watching the episode. yep that's right i still remember what Eddie said even this far back when we first started games Britannia. This event in the show was when the Romans had invaded Britten and the people who ruled Britten at the time where trying to protect the king.
The chess game reenactment in the episode was also very interesting showing how the game of chess between the two champions was played with the big giant chess board and pieces which i think was in London but i could be wrong here. This is just going off my memory of the episode.
I also remember them also covering a game where they had to get the king to the end of the board which was also very interesting i think this was a big and more updated version of a smaller version of this games where you have to protect your king and get him to the end of the board.
Overall this was the most interesting episode for me as the other episodes just talked about video games which where good at the time but now look silly and way out of date. So i found the board game aspect way more interesting finding out about these new board games.
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